Sari Shryack is an oil and acrylic painter based out of Austin, Texas. Her colorful works cover many different subjects and techniques including landscape, still life, portraits, disco balls and even memes.


get to know me

get to know me

get to know me get to know me


 meet the artist


Born in 1991, Sari attended Drury University and studied under painting professor Todd Lowery; she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts in 2014. Sari lives with her husband and two young children.



my hometown:

Springfield, Missouri

my favorite Place To visit:

Florida, or really just anywhere with a beach.

my FAvorite book:

Glass Castle

my favorite way to relax:

Painting lol.

my favorite part of being an artist:

Making something new everyday.



Interview with Austin ABC station KVUE from 2021.